Monday, November 15, 2010


Do you know what Patriotism means? I bet that you don’t even have a first clue what it is. Not many people do. It’s a shame that they don’t. Patriotism is very simple. It can start by just helping an old lady cross the street or picking up an old can or trash off the street.
            Anyone can participate in it, unless you are disabled or something like that. Boy Scout troops from all over the world are doing nice things like adopting a highway or volunteering for an organization or charity. Patriotism is also being nice to your neighbors or people at school. Saying “hello”, or “
How are you?” is a good act of patriotism. Another act of patriotism is being helpful to your community. Let’s say that you are driving down the highway and there is a stranger in a car in the next lane. All of a sudden, his front right tire popped. He had no control of the vehicle and he went into the ditch and flipped his minivan. Would you stop and try to help him, or go on and try to forget what happened that day. A good person would stay and help as much as they could.      
            The word patriotism comes from the Greek word that means “fatherland” or better known as homeland.  People say it is their homeland because of the physical land features. Now most people agree that patriotism involves service to your country like joining the National Guard, Coast Guard, the Army, the Marines, or the Air Force.  Some people might think that in order to be a good patriot, you must know all of the laws and orders of the government.
            Well, this whole story comes down to this. Do I think patriotism still matters? Yes, it matters a lot to me because without it, the world would be like hell.     

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mad Train

 At noon, a man and a woman are standing at a train station waiting for the train to come. "Where are you going?", asked Mr. Mcraken.
 "I'm going to Wisconsin to visit my relatives.", said Mrs. Jenkens. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to Iowa for a yearly N.A.I.R. convention", he said.
           Ten minutes later, the train came. A brand new amtrack. After all of the people got on, " All Aboard!", yelled the conducter. As it turns out, Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. Micraken are sitting side acrost from each-other in the last train car. Two minutes Later, the train starts a'moven.

                                                     100 miles later....

           Everyone on the ground! I gota' bomb! "Oh great", Mr. Mcraken mumbles. He used to be an undercover police officer. With 15 years behind his belt, he had never ben in a situation like this one. He had a desert eagle hand gun in his lugage bag, but it was stored in the lugage compartment on the outside of the train. The only way to get to it is to craw on the outside of the train. So that's out. "Come on! let's get out of here!",  Mr. Mcraken said to Mrs Jenkins. " We need to get to a different train car emidiatly.
                                                       30 secondes later into the next train car....

      "Does anybody have a hand gun or any type of firearm?" Sam said.
"Yes, but something different.", said a frightened passenger." Here.", he reached into his carry- on and pulled out a new shotgun tazer. " It's not a firearm, but it will do the trick. Just sneek up on him and pull the trigger when he dosen't have his finger on any of his triggers. " Stay Here.", Sam said to Sara." I'll be right back!"

                                                         In the train car with the Bomb man....
      Sam sneeks up on the bomb man. Making shure that he didn't notice Sam. "Now's the time!", Sam thought. Sam pulled the trigger and the man started to cullapes to the ground. as he did, a nearbly passenger got the gun out of the mans hand, so that when he regainges energy, he doesn't try to shoot someone. with the man all cuffed up and locked in a room by himself and one of the train conductors, the train is back on schedule thanks to Sam Mcraken, a bowling lane enginer, and a hero.