Monday, March 7, 2011

Independence at last

about 40 children per year die by drowning in 5-gallon water pails. Water can be a very dangerous thing. You can think of water in a lake as a great thing to play in, or a blue death trap. “Deep Water”, by William O. Douglas will show you that a near death experience will change the way you spend your life.
            Personally, I can connect to this book in a very good way. About two years ago, my brother invited a friend over on the last day of school to swim in our in ground pool. There was one stimulation. His friend didn’t know how to swim. They were in the shallow end of the pool. Then, he slipped into the deep end of the pool and started to drown. I was nearby in the workshop fixing my a.t.v. when I heard my brother in a panic. I rushed out into the pool area, grabbed the safety pole, and dragged him out of the pool. If I wasn’t trained in first aid and lifesaving, he would have died.
            I can tell that the author was emotionally impacted from his incident because of how he wrote it. It took him two pages to explain his near death, and how he wrote water or a form of it like twenty times, that should show some signs. 
            Almost drowning is terrifying and live changing. William O. Douglas, the author of “Deep Water” did a great job of describing all of the emotions and modes of the story. Anybody who has almost drowned is scared about water for a couple years, but eventually they will overcome their fears and get right back in.