Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sailing The High Seas

Sailing is one of those sports that can be for any age group, size, and mobilization, depending on the size of your ship. A sailboat can be as small as 12 feet, and can be as large as a house, but you don’t see those everywhere or often. I love to sail, and this is my favorite sport.
Sailing is a great sport. I have 5 sailboats at our lake house and I have been sailing for three years and I love it, but there is the time that I first got on a sailboat. I was at summer camp and on the last day, my patrol leader brought me on a sunfish sailboat that 12 feet long. I can still remember when he pattalled us out to the mooring buoy where we set up the sail alongside my best friends. We got our sail up before them, but sense they were lighter than us; they went way faster than us. Unlike in “Secret for Two” the boat doesn’t steer itself like how the horse knew the whole entire route. We didn’t go fast at all in our boat because of the weight, and because both of us didn’t know how to control the sails or which direction the boat should be pointing, but I had a blast just watching my friends go speeding past us. I remember how we couldn’t stop laughing at my friends freaking out when they came inches away from capsizing their vessel.
Evan thought some people would rather sail on a big, fancy, luxurious boat, I’d rather go on the small dingy boat with one of my friends because you get a better experience of speed, some amounts of stress when you are a bought to turtle it. Sailing is a great sport and is easy to learn, and is a great bonding sport.