Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Comunity with taste

Authors note: This Essay is a summative on how the greasers are miss judged and why.
If you want to be miss-judged, teased, live of the line or possible killed; then you should join the Greasers. A normal person would be out of their minds to want to live there. “The Outsiders”, by S.E. Hinton, shows that some people don’t always get the jackpot.

Even though the greasers don’t wear expensive things, doesn’t mean that they are bad people! If the soces, or anybody, where to actually meet any get to know the greasers, like Ponyboy, they would know what happened to their family and probably be friends. They should know how much the vehicle accident affected their family. The oldest brother of the Curtis family quit Schooling, Football, being by friends, EVERYTHING. Now that’s true commitment.

Evan if you did want to live there, there is always a reason or explanation why. Unlike by choice, the Curtis’s don’t have the choice. “The Outsiders” is a perfect example how you should get to know somebody before you judge them       

Monday, November 28, 2011

Non-Fiction, Or Real Life?

This is about how the Curtis' don't get judged good 
One might think of a family different than another. How their brothers of sisters treat them. How much money they have or how much they are in debt. “The Outsiders”, by S.E. Hinton, shows how families aren’t just from the factory.

           Guns, switchblades, and cigarettes? I don’t know about most people, but I wouldn’t want to live in that neighborhood! For the Curtis brothers, that is the only place that they can afford to live in. When their  parents died, they weren’t doing so well. Ponyboy’s  brother, the oldest of the family, dropped high school and got a full time job at the gas station so that he could house and feed his two brothers.

            To top that off, he quit hanging out with friends and playing football.  Now that is truly commitment. He liked his brothers so much that he stepped forward and took his father’s position like a man. I don’t really know that many people that would do that. “ The outsiders”  is the best way to describe what could happen in real-life and how people can go out of their way to take on responsibility when they have to.

            Weather it be fiction or non-fiction, the good guy always makes the best hero.  Doing the right thing and making the right choices will always have a good ending.  The biggest parallel to life I found in the book  is that sometimes things don’t go like you would like them to go, but if you make the best of what you have been given, and do the right thing, that will make you feel good, inside, and that’s worth more than all the things money can buy.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

While the Socs Lose another member

         The world as we know it…. Most of the time is a pretty good place! The other percent is people who don’t try that hard in life and end up in gangs. “The Outsiders”, by S.E. Hinton, isn’t like that. its about the things that happen in everyday life.

            To get the ball rolling down the lane, there are two gangs in town. The Socs and the Greasers. They both hate each other’s guts. If one little thing happens, a fight occurs. Even at one of the drive-in movie theaters, there is almost always a fight going on there. They also said that one girl was shot there.

            To add on to that, the greasers act like their family was the gang members. If one kid was being harmed, one would risk his life for the other. For Sodapop, Darry, and Ponyboy, they had no family. Darry had to drop out of school to support his brothers. Drop out of football, stop hanging around with his friends. Everything.

            Ponyboy was thinking in left field when he decided to hang out with the two girls from the socs. As he learned, having fun in the beginning doesn’t end up good normally. After he hung out with them, he and Johnny went to the park and hung out. The socs came afterward to drown Ponyboy. Jonny protected his friend and killed one of the socs. I think that Johnny did the right thing by protecting his friend, but he will probably get arrested.     

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Should ACMS have a longer passing time?
Every 70 minutes, 243 students pass through the halls from class to class. That’s a lot! I am trying to give examples of why we should make the passing time from 4 minutes to 7 minutes.

          Most students go from their previous class to their locker, sometimes on the opposite sides of the building, then to their next class. That normally takes more than four minutes! Plus, people drop objects in the hallway all the time!

          Most of the teachers in the ACMS building mark people late all the time. The thing is they don’t know why their late! A teacher could think that a student was late because he was messing around with his friends, but he was actually being bullied. The school should put in a camera system and have a guard monitoring it constantly so that people don’t get bullied s often, and so the students have proof of why they are late.

          Every once in a while, when the hour has ended, people stay in their previous classroom and ask their teacher a question if they were having trouble during class. So if they just stay for about 2 or three minutes and their teachers think that they don’t need a pass. Once the bell rings, the teachers assume that they were tardy. I was thinking that the tech team could create a software that would function like the program that teachers used last year that told them where the students have to go during resource, but they could put it on the students desktop. Using the technology, the students could pull it up (if they think that they would be late) and have the teacher sign and date the document so that the student could show their next teacher.


Monday, October 3, 2011

The Pearl

The Pearl

Andrew Westenberger
Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you’re on rock bottom and you can’t get out? “The Pearl”, by John Steinbeck, is a book over loaded with adventure, mystery, Death, and sorrow.

The pearl took place in a slave village, filled with huts. The main characters’ baby was in the family’s hut, resting peacefully in the bed hanging from the ceiling. A scorpion fell on the baby and stung her. The town doctor was very greedy and Kino, the main character, couldn’t afford to pay for the treatment. One day, Kino was diving for pearls and found the biggest one anybody has ever found. The town jewelers wouldn’t give Kino a reasonable offer so Kino took a journey into the city, which became a disaster.

The climax of the story is when Kino finds the gargantuan pearl. Once he got into the boat, he felt like all of the weight was off of his shoulders, nothing bad could happen. He though that his newborn son could be treated, he could get new clothes, builds a new house, anything.

Afterwards, when Kino, his wife, and his child get to the city, bad things start happening. There’s the town doctor’s son chasing them down to kill them, the city is trying to rip off Kino on the pearl, and Kino’s son gets killed. Kino had enough of it. His wife thought that the pearl was cursed, and she was right. Kino got so mad because so many bad things were happing, he gave up the opportunity and threw the pearl back to where it came from, the ocean. After that, almost everything returned back to normal and Kino was relived from the bad spirits.

The situation Kino was put through wasn’t an everyday thing. This book is a perfect example of how if you become greedy, well, it’s not always a good thing. This book has taught me a lot and that is why this book will remain as one of my favorites.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sailing The High Seas

Sailing is one of those sports that can be for any age group, size, and mobilization, depending on the size of your ship. A sailboat can be as small as 12 feet, and can be as large as a house, but you don’t see those everywhere or often. I love to sail, and this is my favorite sport.
Sailing is a great sport. I have 5 sailboats at our lake house and I have been sailing for three years and I love it, but there is the time that I first got on a sailboat. I was at summer camp and on the last day, my patrol leader brought me on a sunfish sailboat that 12 feet long. I can still remember when he pattalled us out to the mooring buoy where we set up the sail alongside my best friends. We got our sail up before them, but sense they were lighter than us; they went way faster than us. Unlike in “Secret for Two” the boat doesn’t steer itself like how the horse knew the whole entire route. We didn’t go fast at all in our boat because of the weight, and because both of us didn’t know how to control the sails or which direction the boat should be pointing, but I had a blast just watching my friends go speeding past us. I remember how we couldn’t stop laughing at my friends freaking out when they came inches away from capsizing their vessel.
Evan thought some people would rather sail on a big, fancy, luxurious boat, I’d rather go on the small dingy boat with one of my friends because you get a better experience of speed, some amounts of stress when you are a bought to turtle it. Sailing is a great sport and is easy to learn, and is a great bonding sport.                

Monday, March 7, 2011

Independence at last

about 40 children per year die by drowning in 5-gallon water pails. Water can be a very dangerous thing. You can think of water in a lake as a great thing to play in, or a blue death trap. “Deep Water”, by William O. Douglas will show you that a near death experience will change the way you spend your life.
            Personally, I can connect to this book in a very good way. About two years ago, my brother invited a friend over on the last day of school to swim in our in ground pool. There was one stimulation. His friend didn’t know how to swim. They were in the shallow end of the pool. Then, he slipped into the deep end of the pool and started to drown. I was nearby in the workshop fixing my a.t.v. when I heard my brother in a panic. I rushed out into the pool area, grabbed the safety pole, and dragged him out of the pool. If I wasn’t trained in first aid and lifesaving, he would have died.
            I can tell that the author was emotionally impacted from his incident because of how he wrote it. It took him two pages to explain his near death, and how he wrote water or a form of it like twenty times, that should show some signs. 
            Almost drowning is terrifying and live changing. William O. Douglas, the author of “Deep Water” did a great job of describing all of the emotions and modes of the story. Anybody who has almost drowned is scared about water for a couple years, but eventually they will overcome their fears and get right back in.