Sunday, October 23, 2011

Should ACMS have a longer passing time?
Every 70 minutes, 243 students pass through the halls from class to class. That’s a lot! I am trying to give examples of why we should make the passing time from 4 minutes to 7 minutes.

          Most students go from their previous class to their locker, sometimes on the opposite sides of the building, then to their next class. That normally takes more than four minutes! Plus, people drop objects in the hallway all the time!

          Most of the teachers in the ACMS building mark people late all the time. The thing is they don’t know why their late! A teacher could think that a student was late because he was messing around with his friends, but he was actually being bullied. The school should put in a camera system and have a guard monitoring it constantly so that people don’t get bullied s often, and so the students have proof of why they are late.

          Every once in a while, when the hour has ended, people stay in their previous classroom and ask their teacher a question if they were having trouble during class. So if they just stay for about 2 or three minutes and their teachers think that they don’t need a pass. Once the bell rings, the teachers assume that they were tardy. I was thinking that the tech team could create a software that would function like the program that teachers used last year that told them where the students have to go during resource, but they could put it on the students desktop. Using the technology, the students could pull it up (if they think that they would be late) and have the teacher sign and date the document so that the student could show their next teacher.


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