Thursday, January 26, 2012

You’re Welcome
Authors Note:  this short story response for “Yes Ma’am” is about how Roger the main character, seems like a bad person on the outside but nice on the inside  

If you had the opportunity to get out of a bad situation if you lied, would you do it? Or would you be honest? In a normal world, the average Joe would lie because even though it is bad, in the long run, you will feel better. Roger, from “ Yes Ma’am” did the unexpected move and was honest with   Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones said that if she did let him down from her clinched hands on his shirt, he would attempt to run for the billows.

            Despite trying to steal the lady’s bag and run for it, Roger was a sweet boy. He was honest in the worst situation, volunteered himself to get milk or eggs for the lady at her household. When he was tempted to dash out of the house when she wasn’t looking, but he thought it through and stayed. At first, the boy was probably thinking she was kidnapping him, but like a good leader, he stuck around to see what she wanted him for.     

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mean Man's School

Authors note: this is a short response to the short story “Dead Man’s Path”
The short story “Dead Man’s Path” is written by Chinua Achebe. In the book, Chinua describes how he becomes the principle of a school in a town that has lots of culture ethics. Chinua doesn’t see how important these are and totally ignores them. The people had a tradition of walking through the school area garden. Chinua didn’t know that and his wife planted a gorges garden that was spectacular. One day Chinua saw footprints in the garden and asked one of the natives why people went into their. The native told him about the tradition, so then Chinua just gated it up.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Remade "No Guts, No Glory"

Authors Note: this is my comparison essay about how the books “ Program for Destruction”, and “ Sarah Bishop” Have in common and don’t have in common.
The Bloody Revolutionary war, a place where you are always in stress. The jacked car factory, where people are worried about what the sabotage person will do next. Do you see the resemblance between the two? The Books “Program for Destruction”, and “Sarah Bishop”, are very alike even though they are from two entirely different eras.

            In the novels, they both deal a lot in strategy. In “Program for destruction”, that is the only way that the hardy boys (detectives) would figure out who planned out all of the traps. While they are doing that, people are secretly trying to kill them. With ether a big steel beam falling from three stories and landing 1 foot away from the detectives or the dangerous factory’s lights turn off while the machine is still running. In “Sarah Bishop”, strategy is the only way that they could win the war. The red coats had at least five times as more soldiers than the Americans. But somehow, the Americans dominated at the end. It was like “The Miracle on Ice” all over again, but war theme.

            Both of the books had somewhat similar conflicts. Something bad went totally wrong and they wanted to get to the end of it. Sarah’s whole family got killed from the revolutionary war and she went on a journey to find her brother in the army. In the other case the hardy boys are called into a car company because somebody is ruining their company, so the hardy’s try to put a stop to it as soon as possible, so that nobody would get hurt in any way.

            The main difference in the two books is the time period. The revolutionary war was in the 1770’s area while the car company’s era was in 2010. Also, the boys do not use any weapon of any choice. They only use themselves, unlike Sarah, where everyone is desperate for the most weapons.

            So after hearing about these books, do you like your life even more? As you see, these amazing novels have a lot in common, and they aren’t that far away from reality. The rev. war certainly could have gone the way they told it, and someone could certainly do bad things to factories. The main thing is that they are great reads.  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Sarah Bishop

an: this is about how the book" Sarah Bishop" is a great novel that has a lot to do with the history of the rev. war and survival.
       Like in the Disney movie “Up”, Sarah, from the book “Sarah Bishop”, goes through several different events through her journey. When normal people would have surrendered or given up, Sarah Fought through it and made up with the best.

      If Sarah is on a journey that anyone else would most likely chicken out of, then what is it that motivated her to go on it? In the beginning of the book, Sarah lived with her father and brother, Chad. For the most part before the journey was even dreamed upon, Sarah’s life was pretty good if you consider the time period and everything. Never anything out of the ordinary. Well all of that was going to change and she was going to witness the most terrible event of her life. On a random day, her brother decided to join the war. A few days later, there household raided upon by the red coats and burned it to pieces. Just imagine watching your house burn down to the ground. So much for home sweet home, right? To top that off, her father had a tar blanket laid on him which killed him. I would rather be shot then have a slow, hot death, wouldn’t you?      
            Now we are where we started out.the journey . she went on this journey to try to find her brother in the war, because he was the only family left; Later to find out that he died in action a while back. After going on the trip for nothing, she went back to an area where she met a really nice lady who told her about a place where there was trees, tall grass, and a great place to go and hide.

            Now everyone has to know that not the average Joe would or could do this. She risked her life not just for her, but to see her brother one last time, or try to. Now that is commitment. This book is a simulation to the Revolutionary war it is so good and I can’t wait until I get to read a book that is better than it.   

No guts, No Glory

A.N: this essay is to show what the books " Program for Destruction" and " Sarah Bishop" have in common.   
      Robot cars from the future , how amazing! Shooting a musket while people that are standing next to you suffer a bloody death, how dreadful! . What do these two things have in common? Well, they have a lot in common, in fact. Weirdly, they both deal with survival that persuades the reader to keep reading, unlike some other books, that are as boring and slow as a snail.

          The book, “Program for Destruction”, is a book from the series “Hardy Boys”. In this book, there is a car manufacture that is producing state of the art vehicles that are very expensive. The factory started having some problems that didn’t ever happen before, like cars operating different on the road. So then the factory got suspicious, so they called in the hardy boys. The hardy kids are about 17 and are sons of Ben hardy, one of the world’s best detective. The hardy boys were going with their father for around 3 years and are just about as good as their Pop. Right when they got there, the tricks were getting worse and worse. If most of them worked right, they could have killed hundreds of people. Sarah Bishop is very similar because it deals a lot with survival.  

          In “Sarah Bishop”, Sarah is the main character. The book takes its place during the revolutionary war. Her Father and mother died and her brother was in the war, so she went on the most remember able journey of her life to find her brother in the war. She got there only to find out that he died a few days before, unlike "Program for Destruction", where nobody dies.

          As you might see, these books both deal with the same topics, survival, death, and a mission to find a problem or solution. Both of these marvelous books are fantastic to read and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good and/or fast read.               

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Corn Feilds For Ruins

Corn fields For Ruins
Authors note: this is about what the book “Sarah Bishop” is all about.
In the revolutionary war era, well, it’s a lot different than now days! Back then, the military used cannons and horses. Now, we have rocket launchers and tanks! In my mind, “Sarah Bishop” is the most entertaining and informational book on the rev. war.

Sarah bishop in the beginning lived with her dad and brother, Chad. They moved from England to America because they wanted to start a farm and the land was cheapest there. Her father took care of the farm while Chad worked at the bar. Not many people liked their family because of one major reason. The father was on the king’s side and did not want the Americans to attack him. He even had a portrait of him over his bed.

After a long night at the bar, Chad came home drunk in the morning with a new friend, Ben. They both were drunk and had an announcement to tell his father. They both had made the decision to join the army to fight against the king, and dad was not happy at all. After a while when Chad was in the army, people burned down their house, Sarah’s Dad was killed by having himself covered in tar. Fortunately, Sarah evaded from the solders and has gone on a heart pumping journey to try to find her brother, assuming he was still alive.