Thursday, January 26, 2012

You’re Welcome
Authors Note:  this short story response for “Yes Ma’am” is about how Roger the main character, seems like a bad person on the outside but nice on the inside  

If you had the opportunity to get out of a bad situation if you lied, would you do it? Or would you be honest? In a normal world, the average Joe would lie because even though it is bad, in the long run, you will feel better. Roger, from “ Yes Ma’am” did the unexpected move and was honest with   Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones said that if she did let him down from her clinched hands on his shirt, he would attempt to run for the billows.

            Despite trying to steal the lady’s bag and run for it, Roger was a sweet boy. He was honest in the worst situation, volunteered himself to get milk or eggs for the lady at her household. When he was tempted to dash out of the house when she wasn’t looking, but he thought it through and stayed. At first, the boy was probably thinking she was kidnapping him, but like a good leader, he stuck around to see what she wanted him for.     

1 comment:

  1. I think this was an all right piece. It has a couple errors but in the end pretty good.
