Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Sarah Bishop

an: this is about how the book" Sarah Bishop" is a great novel that has a lot to do with the history of the rev. war and survival.
       Like in the Disney movie “Up”, Sarah, from the book “Sarah Bishop”, goes through several different events through her journey. When normal people would have surrendered or given up, Sarah Fought through it and made up with the best.

      If Sarah is on a journey that anyone else would most likely chicken out of, then what is it that motivated her to go on it? In the beginning of the book, Sarah lived with her father and brother, Chad. For the most part before the journey was even dreamed upon, Sarah’s life was pretty good if you consider the time period and everything. Never anything out of the ordinary. Well all of that was going to change and she was going to witness the most terrible event of her life. On a random day, her brother decided to join the war. A few days later, there household raided upon by the red coats and burned it to pieces. Just imagine watching your house burn down to the ground. So much for home sweet home, right? To top that off, her father had a tar blanket laid on him which killed him. I would rather be shot then have a slow, hot death, wouldn’t you?      
            Now we are where we started out.the journey . she went on this journey to try to find her brother in the war, because he was the only family left; Later to find out that he died in action a while back. After going on the trip for nothing, she went back to an area where she met a really nice lady who told her about a place where there was trees, tall grass, and a great place to go and hide.

            Now everyone has to know that not the average Joe would or could do this. She risked her life not just for her, but to see her brother one last time, or try to. Now that is commitment. This book is a simulation to the Revolutionary war it is so good and I can’t wait until I get to read a book that is better than it.   

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