Sunday, February 5, 2012

An Opportunity to Succeed or to Fail

Authors Note: This was a piece that I wrote for in the future when I feel like I am ready to move away from my parents.   
            Just about every 18 year old and/or young adult has a dream of moving out of their parent’s establishment.  It can be an opportunity of a lifetime or their worst decision of their life.  People can move away from their parents household at any age, but the longer you stay, the more attached you get and the harder it is to leave.

            In the past few years, the economy has been in the vinegar and is not as good as it could be.  I myself have predicted that it is going to get better by the time I am 18 years old.  Currently, I am taking an investing class in 8th grade which has really taught me a lot about the economy and how it works.  I enjoy this class and I am planning on taking it again in my years of high school.

            I am currently 14 and when I am 15, I am going to work at my father’s bowling company full-time during the summer.  This opportunity will give me the earnings that I could use for the first couple months of renting an apartment or financing for a truck that I would need for my job.

            My plan is when I am 18, I will be out of high school and plan to go to a tech collage and get a degree in mechanics and/ or my C.D.L.( commercial drivers license ) so if the auto area isn’t doing so well, I could work for a local shipping company.

            As much as I love living with my parents, I feel like I have the ability to go off on myself. I plan to rent an apartment or condo with my friends for around two to three years or until I start thinking of investing in a house. I hope that everyone is ok with the idea and that you have hope in me.

Andrew Westenberger   

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